There are more obese folks (1 billion) in the world today than undernourished people (800 million)!

National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
The International Size Acceptance Association
A group called Fat Underground has even drawn up a Fat Liberation Manifesto, which ironically ends with the words:
Fat people of the world unite! You have nothing to lose
Yes well at the rate I'm growing (sideways) I may have to sign up for one of these groups. :-(
Do "fat people" look the same when they get pregnant? Is that how we came about the term "baby fat?" Was it a dyslexic who first used the word FATSO?
Jumping Jehoshaphat
Jehosaphat was a wealthy king of Jerusalem. One day an army from the east march on Jerusalem to take his gold. Jehosaphat told the people not to worry that the battle would be his and Judas's on the following day. The people let out a joyous cry "Great Jumping Jehosaphat" . I am not sure exactly the meaning of the saying other than total joy at not having to go to war!!!
LOL...they are exercising alright with all that chowdown...just using the wrong orifice...
Thanks for sharing the "skinny" on that; your scoop has certainly "widened" my scope. Halla bol!
Hollywood has created a perception that skinny is phat. I would love it if fat was phat too (for one this that would boost my rating). So at one level I support these groups.... but the fact that they are in denial of the health risks associated with obesity is not phat.
Ever since I read this post, I just can't stop binge eating...eghad!
I'm camping out in the office and living on M&Ms these days. If this does not stop NOW I will be as wide as I am tall.
Talk about living large! Wait...that didn't sound right...anyhoos, when it comes to visualization and aesthetics, I've always been somewhat challenged. Rest assured, I'm trying to picture the "square"...Bon Appétit!
What do you mean you can't picture square? Think Sponge Bob :-)
*ponders upon the
significance of Sponge Bob
and strategies in bio-struggle*
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