Sunday, August 06, 2006

Significant Bother

As I hurtle towards the wrong side of thirty, my parents (and the whole extended clan) are making a last ditch effort to help me tie the knot ("noose" might be a more appropriate word). Given that I am no longer 18 and don't rank among the "fair and lovely", here's what I am likely to spend the rest of my life with:


Anonymous said...

1. The proof is in the cake

2. There is no business like monkey business. In the course of reducing the mystery of nature to a set of mechanical laws, Charles Darwin suffered greatly. "I cannot endure to read a line of poetry," he mourned in his journal. "I have tried to read Shakespeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me. I have almost lost my taste for pictures and music. I lament this curious loss of my higher aesthetic tastes. . . My mind seems to have become a machine for grinding general laws, out of larger collections of facts, but why this should have caused the atrophy of that part of the brain alone, on which the higher tastes depend, I cannot conceive." Take that Billygoat!

3. I tend to be pathologically nostalgic on any given Sunday (afternoon); so the knotty naught reminded me of music from the bygone youth: Pretty Noose by Soundgarden...*sigh*

Ms Ajaira said...

why so glum chum..... stop thinking about the noose and resort to booze :-)

Anonymous said...

Good Golly Miss Molly! It even rhymes. Are you turning into a street prphoet perchance?

Tonight on FOX:


Ms Ajaira said...

unfortunately, i fall within the stone-cold sober camp. I am saving the glugging for mid-life crisis....

Anonymous said...

I'm already dreading your mid-life crisis and the prospect of more intense PECHAAL. Will AJAIRA turn KHAJUIRA? La Belle Dame sans Merci!

Ms Ajaira said...

I can barely manage English and you're talking to me in French?! I might be waaaay off but eita Keats-er lekha lady bhoot-er kobita-ta na? i will make sure i live out my mid-life crisis in a Himalayan cave to minimize negative externalities :-)

So are you joining the blog or not? :-S

Anonymous said...

azaira, tumi thikoi koiso buzla..."Waaaay" on (on Keats)!! Sheesh, you're no pseudoerudite (as opposed to me).

Exactly what's involved in joining the blog? My decrepit soul is already in an oblique that rules out any such bartering. I'm idiosyncratically allergic to "account"ing/accountants etc (hence the counterfit anonymity); not to mention that I can be quite pedantic (read SANCTIMONIOUS PRICK). Hey, here's one for ya: what do you call somebody who is a chatterbox yet hard of hearing? BAKBAKOOM BOYRAA! Aren't I just spontaneously inane? :o)

Ms Ajaira said...

send me your email address and I will give you direct publishing rights (go to my profile and click on "email"). Some ^#@*&!@ spammer is adding all kinds of junk comments lately. So I decided to moderate comments from now on.