Pet Peeves
I would like to see the term “boyfriend” abolished from the dictionary once and for all. Not only does it sound juvenile, it barely captures the fact that you are in a romantic relationship with a grown man. So the million dollar question is what do you call a guy who is not a “boy” and not a “friend”?
Of course there is also the gender neutrality dimension politically-correct people harp on, which opens up a whole new can of worms. The terms “partner” and “significant other” are often used. “Partner” gives the impression that you have entered into a business contract with someone while “significant other” can make one feel like the insignificant one in the relationship. “Lover” or “sweetheart” is somewhat revolting, “suitor” sounds very nineteenth century while “date” sounds non-committal. “Companion” could work perhaps but it conjures up an image of Paris Hilton’s pet Chihuahua. So the search for a suitable word continues.
Of course there is also the gender neutrality dimension politically-correct people harp on, which opens up a whole new can of worms. The terms “partner” and “significant other” are often used. “Partner” gives the impression that you have entered into a business contract with someone while “significant other” can make one feel like the insignificant one in the relationship. “Lover” or “sweetheart” is somewhat revolting, “suitor” sounds very nineteenth century while “date” sounds non-committal. “Companion” could work perhaps but it conjures up an image of Paris Hilton’s pet Chihuahua. So the search for a suitable word continues.
The socialist side of me likes the term "comrade" (minus the militaristic vibe) which implies "people with the spirit, goal, ambition etc" :-)
Personally, I always favored the term FIEND over FRIEND...something about that superflous R...
You could be very southern American about it and call him your "beau".
In French, it simply means handsome or masculine beauty. I doubt your beau would object to the term. ;)
i might try that :-D
I usually refer to Kern as my Pimp ;) okay kidding, but I hate the boyfriend thing as well, it's so depthless...I do like the word "fiancée" but that defines a state of the relationship...
How about bondhu :) I love how ambiguous it can be yet meaningful depending on the context
how about 'cousin'? hahaha!
maybe in west virginia my friend :-)
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